Monday, March 26, 2012

3º Significant Point: Anne meets Gilbert Blythe

It´s the first day of class when Gilbert just came back from a holiday. Anne and Diana go to school walking and Diana tells Anne that she will meet Gilbert Blythe, a boy three years older than them and very good looking. She said she wasn't interested in boys but when they arrived at school she did look at him, he was a tall boy, with curly brown hair and a friendly smile.
In the middle of the class while Mr. Phillips, their teacher, was helping some of the older children, Anne was looking out at the window. Gilbert wanted her to look at him so he whispered to her, but she did not move. Then he out his arm out, pulled her red plaits, and said in a loud whisper: “Carrots! Carrots!” Then Anne jumped up and looked angrily at him, and then she said: “You horrible boy! I hate you!” and then she brought her heavy book down on Gilbert´s head.
Mr. Phillips heard the noise and came to ask Anne why she did that, and when Gilbert tried to say that was his fault the teacher did not believe and told Anne to go and stand in front of the class. There, lonely she thought: “I hate Mr. Phillips and I will never look at or speak to Gilbert Blythe again!”

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